Saturday, August 1, 2009

And they're off!

Enjoy these photos and slideshow of students and advisors taken as they gathered on Friday afternoon to pack the vehicles, and then early on Saturday morning as they tucked in the last bits of luggage, Pastor Karin prayed for the group, and then the "caravan" drove out the church parking lot just before 8 am.

This post comes to you by way of a Caravan parent who accompanied one Caravan a couple of years ago to help with food logistics, and who waved a Caravan good bye for the fifth time this morning. It's exciting to see them off as I anticipate the relationships that will be built, the bonds to be forged and the hearts that may be changed. - Suzanne Ungson

Caravan 2009 - The Beginning - Slideshow

1 comment:

  1. Awesome slide show Suzanne! Thanks so much for putting that together.
