Monday, July 27, 2009

Commissioning Sunday can only mean one thing...

...that CARAVAN is only ONE week away! It is exciting to get this show on the road. All 47 students and 9 advisors have been commissioned by Sunnyvale Presbyterian Church to go out into the world and bring glory to the name of Jesus! YEE HAW!!! And we had a pool party at the Kummerehl's... what more could you ask for?!

Thanks to all the parents, students, and advisors that helped and are helping to make CARAVAN 2009 a success! A special thanks to Dot Dansey for all the organizing, coordinating, stapling and collating she has done this year. Every CARAVAN trip is truly a testimony to how the Body of Christ works. Thank you on behalf of all the participants of CARAVAN 2009, this trip couldn't happen with out you!

We are excited to see how God moves this year on CARAVAN 2009 Las Vegas. Please continue to pray for our willingness and openness to hear and see God work and where God is leading.

Stay tuned to this blog to hear about our trip along the way.

Monday, July 13, 2009

What we are doing and what to pray for...

Caravan is a service and learning trip where we put our faith into action as we serve God by serving others. We are excited this year as we are heading to Las Vegas, Nevada to be partnering with Adventures In Mission (AIM). Participants will be working at a rescue mission for the homeless near the Vegas Strip. Throughout the week we will be working directly with the clients of the rescue mission, bettering the mission itself or blessing the community around the mission.

The focus for Caravan this year is 1 Corinthians 12:12, "
The body is a unit, though it is made up of many parts; and though all its parts are many, they form one body. So it is with Christ." Our hope is that through our work with the rescue mission participants will see first hand how the Body of Christ works. As we stand together as one in Christ we can truly make a difference in our world.

Here are a few things to pray for CARAVAN 2009.
That students and advisors would:
- Get to know God better
- Make new friends
- Deepen friendships
- Be safe during travel to and while in Las Vegas
- Overcome obstacles or difficulties that are set before us with grace and love
- Be willing and open to how God is going to work in us and through us
- Have FUN!!!

CARAVAN will be a chance for participants to make a positive difference in the world as we strive to grow closer to God, grow closer to one another, and live out our faith as we share and receive the love of God.

Continue to read and pray about our journey together.